Krewe of the Forks Mardi Gras Party
Saturday 02 March 2019, 04:00pm - 10:00pm
Hits : 787
Contact (828) 877-3106

Mardi Gras Pary in Brevard NC. Mardi Gras is a fun, festive and special time for many, and we miss celebrating with our Cajun cousins in the Big Easy.  So this year, we are starting a Mardi Gras tradition of our own.  The Krewe of the Forks proudly presents our Mardi Gras Party with a special theme “Stars of North Carolina”, featuring a suckling pig buffet by Blue Smoke BBQ.

Our costume contest will feature Iconic Individuals of Movies, TV, Music, Sports & History, that are either from, or have a connection with, North Carolina.  At the end of the night, a King and Queen of the Krewe will be crowned.

Cost: $30.00

For additional information: Explore Brevard

Location  25 Parkway Rd Rosman, North Carolina 28772